Syed Mugees


Moving to Austin, Texas, offers a quirky mix of experiences that have drawn hordes of new residents over the years. I’ve been fortunate enough to call this city home and can provide a comprehensive look at the pros and cons of living here. Austin is famous for its “Keep Austin Weird” mantra, a testament to its unique cultural tapestry that folks absolutely love. However, this popularity comes with its own set of challenges.

For starters, the city is a magnet for millennials and those considering a more laid-back lifestyle, enriched with music, food, and outdoor adventures. The local perspective offers a surprise at every corner, from bustling hordes to serene landscapes within the city limits. My personal experience has taught me that there’s always something new to discover and enjoy, reinforcing the notion that moving here was the right decision.

On the flip side, Austin’s rapid growth has led to some downsides, such as the strain on infrastructure and the increasing cost of living. But, don’t hesitate to reach out for help or answers to your questions. The community is generally welcoming, and there’s a sense of camaraderie among locals and newcomers alike. If you’re on the fence about making the move, my advice is to jump in with both feet. The experience of living in Austin might just surprise you in the best possible way.

Pros of Living in Austin

Plan to visit before finalizing your decision to move to Austin? If helpful, here’s the best hotel in town (it’s the one I recommend to my own family and friends).

#1. The locals are genuinely friendly

In Austin, a city nearing a million in population, the warmth and kindness of the locals stand out as my absolute favorite aspect of living here. Despite its size, Austin feels like a small city due to the Austinites’ ability to make everyone feel welcome and included.

This is a testament to the southern hospitality that permeates the air, coupled with a strong sense of city pride. Austinites love telling you how great their city is, making it easy to strike up positive conversations. Having lived in various cities like Portland and New York City, my husband and I have found it remarkably easy to make friends in Austin.

The city encourages you to open up, coming out of your comfort zone, and engage in conversations that enrich your social circle. Truly, Austin is a friendly city, a characteristic that deeply resonates with those who call it home. Its inviting community vibe makes Texas shine even brighter on the map as a place of warmth, inclusion, and genuine kindness.

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#2. Austin is a great city for millennials

Austin has become a beacon for millennials, making up 31% of the population, a number that’s rising annually. The pandemic, COVID, shifted priorities for many, prompting a reevaluation of lifestyle choices and leading to a surge in those looking to relocate and start fresh. Austin Texas Ranks high on the list of places where millennials are choosing to plant their roots, noted in a 2021 study as the 4th most desirable city for this demographic, with a net migration of 5,686 millennial residents by 2024.

This attraction is not without reason; Austin offers all the perks of big city living — a great food scene, vibrant nightlife, diverse cultural activities, and ample outdoor recreation opportunities — all paired with reasonable housing prices. These factors combine to make Austin not just a place to live, but a place to thrive, especially for those in search of a dynamic environment that caters to young professionals’ varied interests and needs.

#3. There’s no shortage of outdoor recreation

In Austin, Nature and urban life go hand-in-hand, offering countless miles of hiking and biking trails, not to mention the kayaking, canoeing, and swimming options that beckon the adventurous spirit. This city is a haven for those who prefer to spend their time outdoors rather than indoors, presenting a perfect backdrop for living in Texas, especially if you’re looking to raise a family amidst nature. The remarkable Colorado River runs through the heart of Austin, ensuring ample recreational opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts. With water being a central element, the fun and diversity of activities available are limitless. Thanks to the agreeable weather that’s year-round, there’s seldom a bad time to enjoy the outdoors in Austin.

The city’s residents take pride in their environmentally-conscious lifestyle, understanding the value and necessity of the great outdoors. Austin cares deeply about the environment, a sentiment seen in the community’s efforts to limit the use of plastic water bottles by investing in reusable alternatives and encouraging the use of reusable bags at grocery stores. This commitment to sustainability only adds to the appeal of the city for those who enjoy living in harmony with nature, making Austin not just a place to live, but a place to thrive responsibly and joyfully.

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#4. The food scene is incredible

Austin is consistently ranked among the most notable food cities in America, a true game-changer for culinary enthusiasts. The city excels in Tex Mex and Barbeque, flavors that define its culinary identity. Beyond traditional restaurants, Austin shines as one of the food truck capitals, where locals and visitors alike love the unfussy restaurant alternative. The best meals often come from the numerous food pods stretched across the city, making it a mistake to overlook these gems.

The food scene is incredible

Credit by: https://www.instagram.com/p/CfvDn76N6py/?igsh=MncyeDFicTByeHFq

For those moving to Austin or just getting a head start on exploring its culinary delights, the experience can be overwhelming, but in the best way. I recommend diving into this vibrant food scene with an open mind; there’s a guide book or two that can help navigate the abundance of choices, ensuring you don’t miss out on what makes Austin’s food scene truly incredible.

#5. There’s constant sunshine

Austin is known as one of the sunniest cities in America, averaging 228 days of sunshine annually. This abundance of sunshine makes the spring, fall, and even winter seasons feel downright heavenly, with mild temperatures and glorious weather that are simply unmatched. It’s often mentioned how much easier it is to enjoy the great outdoor recreation opportunities throughout the year, something that truly enriches the living experience here. Residing in such a sunny place has a noticeable effect on one’s mood, making moving to Austin a no-brainer when the opportunity presented itself.

The constant sunshine not only beckons outdoor enthusiasts but also promises a lifestyle where the warmth of the sun is a daily companion, underscoring the city’s allure for those seeking an active and vibrant life under the Texas sky.

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#6. Austin’s music & cultural scene lives up to the hype

Austin, famously dubbed the Live Music Capital of the World, truly lives up to the hype with an impressive density of live music venues that surpasses any other city in the country on a per capita basis. There’s no shortage of places to explore and discover great tunes, making the vibrant music scene one of my favorite things about living here.

It’s always a good time to delve into the city’s highly-regarded music festivals, with SXSW (South by Southwest) leading the charge as a festival that offers a plethora of film, art, and music to the community over the span of a week. This celebration of creativity and sound not only showcases Austin’s commitment to the arts but also cements its status as a cultural hub where residents and visitors alike can immerse themselves in an eclectic and dynamic environment.

#7. No state income tax

One of the biggest perks of moving to Austin from places like New York City is the lack of state income taxes. This fiscal advantage means your take home pay is higher, allowing you to live in a state without the burden of additional deductions, equating to savings of up to 10% for many. It’s a compelling reason why people choose to move to Texas, especially those approaching retirement, as your money goes further here.

Income tax

This benefit not only enhances the immediate quality of life by increasing disposable income but also contributes to a more financially stable future, making Austin an attractive destination for anyone looking to maximize their earnings and enjoy a vibrant city life without the worry of state-level income taxation.

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#8. Austin has a booming job market

Austin’s job market is buzzing like a beehive, and for good reason. The city has transformed into a booming hub for industries ranging from technology to healthcare, earning it the nickname Silicon Hills. With companies like Google and Tesla moving in, job growth is predicted to grow by 47% over the next 10 years, making it the second hottest job market in the country. This growth isn’t just limited to tech; Austin boasts a diverse economy with solid job prospects in sectors like healthcare, education, and government, thanks to the presence of the University of Texas and the State Capitol.

Moreover, the city’s vibrant entertainment industry, including music festivals and film events like SXSW, creates a bustling scene for creative professionals. This diversity in job opportunities makes Austin not just a place for techies but for anyone looking for dynamic career prospects. The synergy between the thriving job market and the lively cultural scene underpins Austin’s status as a magnet for talent and creativity, promising not only employment but a quality of life that’s hard to match elsewhere.

Cons of Moving to Austin

#1. Austin is a car-centric city

. Austin is a car-centric city

Credit by: https://www.instagram.com/p/C3gD7EIPzOB/?igsh=d2xtOThsNnM5bWlm

In Austin, a car-centric city, the need for a car in daily life is almost non-negotiable due to the lack of public transportation, which can be an absolute pain. While there is a bus line, it’s not efficient enough for timely travel across the downtown core or beyond, especially without traffic. For those moving to Austin and contemplating living car-free, I’d suggest scouring Craigslist for used cars. A Toyota might be a reliable choice, as it seldom needs service, making life in Texas a bit easier. Fortunately, gas prices in Texas are among the cheapest in the country, easing the burden somewhat for car owners.

#2. The summer heat is a bear

For those moving to Austin, bracing for the summer heat can be a significant challenge, especially for transplants from cooler climates. It’s not uncommon for highs to soar above 100°F for several days in a row, with an average temperature hovering around 96°F from June through August. Ouch, right? The hottest record on August 28, 2011, saw thermostats hit 112°F. Imagine that! My advice? Make sure your plans often revolve around water during those hot days. Fortunately, there’s no shortage of lakes, rivers, pools, and water parks within short driving distance to help you tolerate the blistering heat while living in this vibrant city.

Additionally, a P.S. for those considering Austin as their new home: Allergies can become rampant during the hot and muggy summer months, adding another layer to the struggle for some. Yet, despite these challenges, the allure of Austin’s dynamic culture, booming job market, and beautiful landscapes continues to draw people in. Learning to navigate and tolerate the intense heat becomes a necessity for fully embracing life in this bustling city, where the warmth of the community often mirrors the temperature outside.

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#3. Austin is one of the most gentrified cities in the country

Austin stands as one of the most gentrified cities in the country, a status that serves as a double-edged sword. On one side, rapid gentrification has fueled economic development and revitalization of underinvested neighborhoods, transforming the physical landscape and community fabric in ways that many hail as progress. Yet, this transformation brings a multitude of issues, notably the displacement of long-time residents and an escalating cost of living that challenges the very essence of Austin’s inclusive spirit. The city’s demographic shift towards being 72% white and ranking as the 6th most gentrified underscores a changing dynamics that not everyone celebrates. For those moving from cities like New York City, the transition can be jarring, especially with the lack of diversity becoming a more harsh reality.

This gentrification has led to skyrocketing housing prices and property taxes, making it increasingly difficult for both individuals and families who have lived in these neighborhoods for generations to stay. The rising costs effectively push out a significant portion of the population, leading to a loss of community and cultural heritage that once defined Austin. Such changes prompt a reevaluation of what it means to live in this vibrant city, weighing the benefits of economic development against the cost to Austin’s socio-cultural landscape.

#4. The housing market

As Austin continues growing at a seemingly crazy pace, the growth comes with a significant catch: the housing market is becoming pricier by the minute. With new folks moving in daily, the demand has outpaced supply, resulting in not enough places to live and shooting prices through the roof, both for buying and renting. Austin has become a hot spot for those with deep pockets, especially with tech companies setting up shop, leading to a surge in luxury apartments and high-end houses popping up around the city. This situation has made it tough for folks not raking in big bucks to find a place that doesn’t break the bank. The lack of affordable housing has become a real issue, putting a squeeze on both locals and newcomers struggling to keep up with the rising costs.

Average home prices have soared to around $540,000, marking an increase of 30% over the past year — the highest in the country. Simultaneously, the average rent for a one-bedroom apartment is now approximately $1,400 per month, further highlighting the affordability crisis. This dramatic escalation in living costs is reshaping the demographic and cultural fabric of Austin, making it increasingly challenging for individuals and families not benefiting from the tech boom to maintain their foothold in the city they call home.

#5. The Traffic


Credit by: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1w2jSMo4vl/?igsh=MW45Z2V4NWF0cTBzaw==

The advice I received before moving to Austin was invaluable: live within city limits or choose a neighborhood close to work to minimize the impact of traffic, which can significantly eat into your time. While some Austinites may tell you that the traffic isn’t as bad as in other cities, and this is true when compared to places like L.A. or New York City, Austin still ranks as the 6th fastest-growing city in America as of 2024. The road infrastructure struggles to keep up with the influx of new residents, leading to constant congestion, especially on the interstate. This has become one of the biggest cons of living here. My tip? Always give yourself plenty of time to get from Point A to Point B.

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#6. You won’t have 4 seasons

Moving to Austin, Texas, means you’ll bid a fond farewell to winters as you once knew them. The lack of winter can be a pro or con of living here, heavily dependent on personal preference. Some might miss the chilly and snowy months that bring about a magical snow-covered landscape during Christmas, reminiscing about the distinct seasons experienced elsewhere. On the other hand, my husband absolutely loved the warmer weather and the notably short and mild winter season. Indeed, not experiencing all four seasons is a significant change but one that many find pleasantly agreeable once they settle into the rhythm of life in Austin.

#7. Locals may not love your moving here

As Austin has recently discovered its spot on the map as a popular city, the locals aren’t always keen on the transplants that follow this unexpected popularity. The incredible town is experiencing growing pains, with some Austinites offering a cold shoulder to newcomers, blaming them for the uptick in traffic and housing prices. However, it’s important to remember that this con is not unique to life in Austin; it’s a mentality prevalent in many growing cities across the country. So, if you’re chasing the best version of your lives and decide to move around, don’t take it personally. The majority are still kind and welcoming, living up to the famed hospitality of the south.

Comparison of the Pros & Cons of Living in Austin, Texas

Pros of Living in AustinCons of Moving to Austin
The locals are genuinely friendlyAustin is a car-centric city
Austin is a great city for millennialsThe summer heat is intense
No shortage of outdoor recreationAustin is one of the most gentrified cities in the country
The food scene is incredibleThe housing market can be challenging
There’s constant sunshineTraffic can be heavy
Austin’s music & cultural scene lives up to the hypeLack of four distinct seasons
No state income taxSome locals may not be enthusiastic about new arrivals
Austin has a booming job market


Is Austin a good place to live?

Relocating to Austin, Texas, presents an attractive proposition, largely thanks to its dynamic employment landscape and a wealth of outdoor pursuits. The city’s rich cultural tapestry, coupled with a relatively cost-effective living environment—despite a trend towards rising property prices and growing traffic congestion—enhances its appeal, though these issues could be a deterrent for certain individuals.

What salary do you need to live comfortably in Austin?

To maintain a comfortable lifestyle in Austin, a four-member household should aim for an annual income of $87,105, breaking down to about $7,259 per month. Conversely, individuals residing solo in the city should consider a yearly salary of $42,755 to cover their living expenses, equating to roughly $3,563 monthly.

Is Austin expensive to live?

Living expenses in Austin, TX, exceed the state average by 7% and fall 1% below the national average. Housing costs in Austin outpace the average across the U.S. by 9%, whereas utility expenses are approximately 6% cheaper.

Is Austin safe to raise a family?

Austin, Texas, celebrated for its electrifying live music scene and dynamic cultural ambiance, emerges as an ideal haven for families in search of a dream home. The city and its surroundings boast superior educational opportunities, outstanding healthcare services, and limitless possibilities for outdoor exploration.

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