15 HONEST Pros & Cons of Living in Massachusetts

Syed Mugees


Reflecting on a decade of residing in The Bay State, I’ve navigated the honest pros and cons of making this pretty place my home. With its top-notch education and healthcare, Massachusetts offers an enviable quality of life that’s hard to find elsewhere.

The state’s pristine natural beauty and rich history add layers to its charm, making it a beloved home to nearly 7 million residents. Whether it’s the education system that ranks among the best in the country or the healthcare facilities that are second to none, there’s much to love about living here.

However, calling this state home for over 10 years, I’ve also faced the cons—from the high cost of living to the challenges of moving in. Yet, every step of the way, I’ve found help and answers to my questions through firsthand experience, reaffirming my love for Massachusetts.

Largest Cities in Massachusetts


  • Population: 4,367,258
  • Average salary: $80,500
  • Median home price: $800,000


  • Population: 205,575
  • Average salary: $70,500
  • Median home price: $375,500


  • Population: 170,970
  • Average salary: $62,500
  • Median home price: $256,216

Living in Massachusetts

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Pros of Moving to Massachusetts

#1. Top Notch Public Education

In the heart of Massachusetts, the public education system stands as a beacon of top-notch quality, rivaling even the most prestigious institutions like Harvard and MIT. Established in 1636, Harvard isn’t just the oldest university in the country.

It’s a testament to the state’s commitment to educational excellence. Massachusetts schools, known for their advanced curriculum, demand the best from their students. This top-tier education system ensures that the drop-out rate remains impressively low at 3.8%, while the number of degree holders and thinkers it produces is unparalleled on an international level.


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Boston further accentuates this with its blend of prestigious educational offerings. However, the rigor can be challenging for kids; a third grader moving here might find themselves held back or in need of tutors to catch up, as the material often exceeds their comprehension.

This struggle, while tough, ultimately contributes to a resilient and well-educated populace, albeit at the expense of some self-esteem bumps along the way. The expectation for students to excel can lead to a situation where even the youngest learners might need assistance from a tutor to navigate through their school years without failing to catch up.

#2. Rich History

Diving into the Rich History of Massachusetts offers an unparalleled journey through time. Unlike the west coast’s natural beauty, highlighted by the Pacific Northwest, the east coast—and Massachusetts in particular—boasts a deep historical tapestry.

From the Boston Tea Party to Plymouth Rock, the Salem Witch Trail, and the Freedom Trail, living here means having monumental historic events in your backyard. It’s a state where you can discover national monuments and historic sites on a weekly basis, making it a treasure trove for anyone with even a decent understanding of American history.

After moving here 10 years ago, my weekends transformed into explorations of historic gems with friends, followed by discussions on politics and history at a local brewery. It’s a perk of living in Massachusetts that truly enriches the soul. Landmarks are so abundant that even the average person finds themselves brushing up on history without even trying. This mind-boggling wealth of history is not just about remembering dates but feeling a part of something greater, a narrative that extends well beyond our own lifetimes.

#3. Quality Healthcare

The Quality Healthcare in Massachusetts is unparalleled, a fact that became evident to me through conversations with coworkers who ended up moving here following a serious medical diagnosis. It’s widely acknowledged that the state ranks among the best in the country for healthcare, a testament to the broad expertise spanning the gamut from renowned cardiologists to brain surgeons, and even routine wellness checks.

Health care

What truly sets Massachusetts apart is not just the accessibility to top-notch healthcare but also the fact that a significant portion of the population is insured, boasting the highest rate in the nation. This comprehensive coverage and the quality of medical care available make living here a wise decision for those prioritizing their health.

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#4. Great Job Market

The Great Job Market in Massachusetts was a pivotal reason for my moving here, and I wasn’t alone; many of my coworkers were drawn by the same job opportunities that are often highlighted in headlines.

This state is renowned for having the 3rd best job market in the US, a reflection of its strong economy and the wealth of great job opportunities available across various sectors. Whether you’re starting over or seeking a fresh lease on life, jobs are plentiful, though the competition is steep.

You’ll find yourself vying for positions alongside Ivy League grads and a highly college-educated population, necessitating that you be on top of your game. This dynamic environment fosters both opportunity and growth, making Massachusetts an attractive place for career-minded individuals.

#5. Overall High Quality of Life

The Overall High Quality of Life in Massachusetts is something that not just statistics, but also personal experiences, attest to. A recent study ranked it among the least stressed states in the nation, a testament to the values it upholds in education, healthcare, and an impressive job market.

Overall High Quality of Life

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Living here, one can’t help but notice the emphasis on a high quality of life that seems woven into the fabric of the community. This isn’t by chance but a result of deliberate policies and a culture that prioritizes well-being across all fronts.

Whether it’s the access to world-class education facilities, healthcare services, or job opportunities, Massachusetts consistently strives to offer the best, thereby significantly reducing the stress levels of its residents and enhancing their overall living experience.

#6. Massachusetts Is A Green State

Massachusetts stands as a beacon of sustainability, rightfully earning its title as a green state. This is a place where locals take environmental policies seriously, actively working to reduce carbon emissions and embrace green initiatives.

A recent study ranked it the 3rd greenest state in the country, a testament to its commitment to maintaining excellent air quality, promoting recycling habits, and investing in alternative energy sources.

These efforts not only combat climate change but also offer massive rewards for the community, fostering a sense of pride in our environment. Here, recycling becomes second nature, and leading a healthy outdoor lifestyle is not just encouraged but facilitated by the state’s policies and the collective attitude of its people.

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#7. Outdoor Recreation

For anyone with a penchant for the great outdoors, Massachusetts is akin to paradise. Here, whether you’re a nature nut or simply someone who appreciates beauty, you’re spoiled for choice. The state offers unmatched access to both mountains and the sea, allowing you to enjoy all four seasons to their fullest.

Outdoor Recreation

From the breathtaking landscapes of Cape Cod, with its dusty blue and green hues, to the charming towns that dot the coastline and the rugged interior, there’s an irresistible draw for natural lovers. Activities like hiking, boating, fishing, and skiing are readily available, while snow sports become particularly interesting as the mountains swell in winter.

Despite the steep price hikes associated with some outdoor activities, the perks of living in such an environment—where engaging with wildlife and embracing a year-round outdoor lifestyle—are immense.

#8. Clean Air Quality

The clean air quality in Massachusetts has been a breath of fresh air, quite literally, especially for someone like me whose allergies have subsided significantly since moving here. Through a conversation with a coworker,

I discovered an article that ranked US states by air quality, and it was no surprise to find Massachusetts among the cleanest in the country, second only to Hawaii. This study took into account urban air quality indexes and drinking water quality, showcasing the state’s commitment to health by limiting pollution and ensuring clean drinking water for all residents.

It’s a no-brainer why the state would rank so low in pollution levels, given the efforts made to preserve such an environment in one of the wealthiest countries in the world.

#9. Long Life Expectancy

Daily life in Massachusetts is something to be cherished, with the state ranking 5th among states for the longest life expectancy. It’s an impressive stat that places it as a rival to Hawaii, California, New York, Minnesota, and Connecticut.

This high ranking can be attributed to a variety of factors, including epic outdoor recreation opportunities and great air quality, both of which significantly contribute to the overall perk of living here.

The emphasis on a healthy lifestyle, combined with the state’s natural and community resources, ensures residents enjoy not just a longer life but a more fulfilling one. It’s yet another testament to Massachusetts’ commitment to the well-being of its inhabitants, making daily life ever getting better.

Cons of Living in Massachusetts

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#1. The Housing Market Is Off the Charts

Navigating the Housing Market in Massachusetts has been an eye-opener, to say the least. It’s Off the Charts with some of the highest home prices in the country. The average price for a home statewide stands at a staggering $612,000, making it the 5th highest price tag in the nation.

The Housing Market

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Whether you’re considering moving to, or owning a home in, popular areas like Boston, Harvard, or Cambridge, be prepared to do the math as nothing comes cheap here. This aspect of living in Massachusetts might be daunting for newcomers and is a critical factor to consider when planning a move. Despite the high costs, the quality of life and opportunities in the state continue to draw people in.

#2. The Cost of Living in Massachusetts is High

The Cost of Living in Massachusetts is undoubtedly a high hurdle, presenting a glaring con for anyone considering the move. This state’s expenses soar sky-high, especially when juxtaposed with the national average.

While rural areas might offer a somewhat more affordable lifestyle, the major cities push the average cost of living well above what many are accustomed to. A recent study placed Massachusetts as the 3rd highest in the nation, trailing only behind Washington DC and Hawaii for living expenses.

From everyday errands like buying groceries and gas to haircuts and eating out, expect your budget to stretch further as almost everything costs more here.

#3. Reserved Locals

In Massachusetts, a state celebrated for its New England charm, from the breathtaking fall colors to the stunning mountains and calming sea shores, you’ll find the locals to be friendly yet reserved. This unique blend of hospitality differs markedly from the warmth of the South or the briskness you might encounter in Washington.

Engaging in conversations at grocery stores or diving into small talk isn’t the norm here. Instead, forming deep connections and making friends, especially for newcomers, takes time as many families have been here for generations. This community values solitude and thoughts, and building trust with them is an experience that unfolds gradually, emphasizing meaningful interactions over casual chat.

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#4. Brutal Winters

Brutal Winters in Massachusetts are a significant consideration for anyone moving to this New England state. With freezing temperatures and snow accumulations that average around 50 inches per year across the state, some areas like Fitchburg, the snowiest town, see as much as 82 inches.

#4. Brutal Winters

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Meanwhile, Avalon gets a lighter dusting at 33.5 inches. This variance necessitates thorough research into how winter will impact your daily life here. According to Thrillist, Massachusetts has some of the most miserable winters in the US, a claim that anyone who’s spent a season here can attest to my advice? Embrace snow sports and find a winter activity you love; it’s essential to not feeling cooped up and going mad during the long winter weeks.

#5. Terrible Road Infrastructure

The Terrible Road Infrastructure in Massachusetts significantly impacts daily life, especially for those moving to or currently living in the state. Brutal winters exacerbate the situation, with intense snow conditions and the liberal use of road salt leading to failing infrastructure.

It’s a fact that poor maintenance has left many roads in poor condition, with the state having the 6th highest percentage of such roads in the country. It’s estimated that countless miles of road are in dire need of repair by federal government standards.

Consequently, drivers find themselves spending an average of $620 per year to keep their cars in shape, navigating around the infamous potholes that mar the landscape.

#6. The Traffic Is A Bear

The Traffic Is A Bear in Massachusetts, a miserable consequence of not only poor road infrastructure but also the high volume of vehicles on the road. Ranked as the 6th worst state for traffic, it sees its interstates heavily congested during peak rush hour, far surpassing the national average of 47%.


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Residents find themselves traveling more interstate miles than the average American, often in search of quality, fuel-efficient cars to mitigate the time and cost spent inside their vehicles. An Interesting Fact: drivers here lose an average of 60 hours a year just sitting in traffic, a stark illustration of the daily grind faced by commuters.

Retiring in Massachusetts FAQs

Is Massachusetts a good place to live?

Is Massachusetts a good place to live? Absolutely, especially for those aiming to improve their quality of life. The state prides itself on offering top-notch healthcare, excellent public education, an impressive job market, and abundant outdoor recreation opportunities.

These factors collectively contribute to a high standard of living, making it an enjoyable state to call home in the long-term. However, it’s important to note that the cost of living here is above the national average, which means the financial expense of enjoying these benefits is something to consider. Yet, for many, the trade-offs are worth it, as the quality of amenities and life opportunities in Massachusetts are hard to match.

Is Massachusetts a good place to retire?

Is Massachusetts a good place to retire? Indeed, Massachusetts offers a good place for retirement, balancing tax-friendly policies with quality living conditions. Social Security income is tax exempt in this state, making it an attractive option for retirees.

However, other forms of retirement income, like 401K and Roth, are taxed at a 5% state income tax rate, with Capital gains being taxed at 12%. While the taxation policies are appealing, potential retirees should weigh these benefits against the brutal winters and the high cost of living that characterizes the state.

Additionally, moving here for retirement can be challenging when it comes to making friends and integrating into the community, given the state’s reserved social atmosphere.

Compare the Pros vs the Cons of Living in Massachusetts

Pros of Living in MassachusettsCons of Moving to Massachusetts
Top-notch public educationThe housing market is off the charts
Rich historyVery high cost of living
Quality healthcareReserved locals
Great job marketBrutal winters
High quality of lifeFailing infrastructure
Massachusetts is a green stateThe traffic is a bear
Clean air quality
Long life expectancy
Retiring in Massachusetts? You’re in good hands

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