HONEST Pros & Cons of Living in New Mexico (Let’s Talk)

Syed Mugees

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Living in New Mexico (Let’s Talk)

As someone who grew up in the southeast corner of this enchanting state and later explored its northwest, northeast, and other corners of the country, I’ve experienced the full spectrum of what New Mexico has to offer. Contemplating moving here? You’re not alone. Many folks are drawn to the Land of Enchantment for its sunshine, lower cost of living, and unique culture.

New Mexico radiates a charm that’s hard to find elsewhere. Let’s sugarcoat nothing and dive into the HONEST pros and cons. The pros? The delicious Hatch chiles and the natural beauty that is so prominent throughout the state. There’s a reason New Mexico is known for its landscapes – they truly capture the heart.

On the flip side, there are downsides to consider. For those lured by the promise of a peaceful life, it’s important to remember that living in a place like this can sometimes feel isolating, especially if you’re used to the hustle and bustle of more populated areas.

From a personal list of experiences, here’s an Editor’s Note for our readers and neighbors. It’s always fun to hear your comments and see how they update and shape the perspective we share on our website. So don’t hesitate to leave your feedback. We might just update this post with your insights. Cheers to making informed decisions!

Living in New Mexico

Pros of Living in New Mexico

The locals business are actually fun to support

In this day and age, being a good person often means going beyond the drill of daily life and making choices that reflect our values. One such choice is supporting local businesses. It’s more than a grudging opening of the wallet at the nearest ma-and-pa shop; it’s a decision that makes you smile, knowing you’re contributing to something cool. Sure, the price tags at local stores might not always compete with big-box retailers, but there’s no sweat on your brow or cold, clammy hands as you walk out with a purchase. Curious about how these choices play out in different locations? Discovering the HONEST Pros and Cons of Living in Vancouver, Washington might offer some unique insights into the impact of such decisions on community life and personal satisfaction.

Imagine using a Geo-tag to mark your location on social media, proudly showing friends you’ve just spent, say, $4,000 on a liver at a local butchery. Okay, perhaps not that extreme, but even if it’s just a discounted calendar or a valid stapler, there’s a sense of patting your own back. No fret here; you’ve just supported one of the many shops that are the backbone of New Mexico. It’s a breath of fresh air compared to the east coast’s shudders at the thought of yet another SoHo boutique.

Joining in on this trend gives you the opportunity to fulfill a need at reasonable prices that often rival those of big box stores. There’s plenty to explore beyond the country’s franchise and chain craze, like Applebee’s and Bed Bath & Beyond. Every corner of New Mexico is a bastion of proud restaurants and stores, true pillars of the community.

Bountiful outdoor recreation

Bountiful outdoor recreatio

credit by: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpvk-YkLVJ1/?igsh=OWJuOXhwa3RzYTJ1

In New Mexico, the outdoors is more than just a place; it’s a way of life. Living here means every outdoor activity you can imagine is at your fingertips. While we may not have an ocean, the northern part of the state offers a wonderland of winter recreation, with activities like skiing in the powdery mountains. In contrast, the diverse landscapes include forests, lakes, and rivers ideal for fishing, hunting, boating, caving, hiking, rock climbing, camping, and backpacking. Frankly, this only scratches the surface of what’s available. The bountiful outdoor recreation in New Mexico is a treasure trove for nature enthusiasts. For those contemplating a shift in scenery, considering the HONEST Pros & Cons of Living in Virginia might provide a compelling contrast, revealing how different or similar outdoor and lifestyle opportunities compare in another cherished region.

The lovely dry climate

New Mexico’s dry climate is a stark contrast to the humid climate of the eastern United States. For those who’ve lived in places like Georgia in the southeastern US, the switch from sweat-drenching humidity to New Mexico’s clean, crisp air is like a breath of fresh air – literally. Unlike the hot, humid summers on the east coast, where multiple outfit changes a day aren’t unheard of, here in New Mexico, the climate is kinder, especially for those with chronic asthma, allergies, or upper respiratory issues. For someone like me, who used to prefer the predictable climate of the east, the lovely dry climate of New Mexico has been a welcome change. If you’re considering another move or just curious about different living conditions, exploring the HONEST Pros & Cons of Living in OHIO could offer valuable insights, especially if you’re intrigued by how various climates impact lifestyle and well-being.

Delicious southwestern cuisine

Living in New Mexico introduces you to the delicious southwestern cuisine, a highlight that tops the list of reasons why residing here is so worthwhile. Unlike neighboring states like Texas or Arizona, where barbecue and Mexican food reign supreme, New Mexico’s southwest cuisine stands out as some of the best in the US. It’s not just about the famous Hatch green Chile peppers; it’s about how these flavors are masterfully incorporated into everything, making each meal a scrumptious exploration of taste. This culinary style isn’t just a choice here; it’s a way of life, a fusion of traditions and flavors that define the southwestern US.

Abundant sunshine

Abundant sunshine

credit by: https://www.instagram.com/p/CSK7c4jAT0a/?igsh=eXllaTk1b3Y2eGkw

Living in New Mexico, a place where abundant sunshine is the norm, can feel like you’re in an endless desert paradise. It’s the second sunniest state in America, with cities like Albuquerque boasting brilliant sunny days for most of the year. Even Las Cruces in the southern part claims more sun than most places on the east coast or the Pacific Northwest. You really start to realize the effect this sunshine has on your mood after leaving and coming back – it’s a game changer. There’s something about knowing that tomorrow will likely be as bright as today that makes all the difference. For those contemplating how life under the sun compares to other places, the HONEST Pros & Cons of Living in Georgia might provide an intriguing perspective, especially considering Georgia’s unique blend of climate, culture, and community.

Relaxed way of life

New Mexico is a place where a relaxed way of life isn’t just a phrase but a lived experience. Here, you can sit back, crack open a beer, and chat with neighbors, almost as if it’s the unofficial pastime. It’s like The Big Lebowski – the dude abides spirit resonates here. When moving from busier cities like New York, you’ll notice the change of pace immediately. Things are calmer overall, and people don’t seem to carry as much stress as the average person in more frantic locales. This easiness translates into genuine friendliness and good times that are always open to everyone.

People are open

One of my favorite parts about living in New Mexico is how open people are. Whether you’re at a bar or a restaurant, you’ll find yourself in interesting conversations about the deep stuff – life, choices, experiences. People here don’t just speak about the weather; they’re settled and happy to dive into topics that matter. It’s refreshing to have this level of openness where everyone is willing to share and listen to different perspectives and comments. This openness in social interactions truly defines the New Mexican spirit. If you’re curious about how different or similar this experience might be in another city, exploring the HONEST Pros & Cons of Living in Baltimore could offer some intriguing insights.

Beautiful natural scenery

Beautiful natural scenery

credit by: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj9-Eu0OljG/?igsh=MTF6bmVqbnUzcmtzbQ==

New Mexico, often underrated among the states in the US, is a treasure trove of beautiful natural scenery. From my visits across the country, few landscapes have matched the outdoors of this state, offering those ‘pinch me’ moments. In the southern part, there’s the White Sands National Park, with its otherworldly beauty, and the semi-famous Carlsbad Caverns, offering a breathtaking subterranean experience. Venture up north to the Carson National Forest, where the aspens in fall are nothing short of incredible. The pristine nature of the Gila Wilderness is another highlight, showcasing the diversity and beauty of New Mexico’s natural scenery.

Low cost of living

The low cost of living in New Mexico is good news for those looking to save money, whether it’s to move, retire, or simply change their lifestyle. This affordable state in the western United States, unlike its neighbor Wyoming, boasts a cost of living that’s about 7% lower than the national average. This means cheaper housing, with costs under what you’d find in many other states, less expensive utilities, and savings on groceries and everyday items. It’s one of the top reasons people enjoy living here. The only downside? For those moving from the west coast, it might seem almost impossible how comparatively huge the price hikes are there. If you’re considering a move or curious about how living costs compare in different states, you might find the HONEST Pros & Cons of Living in Arizona insightful, as it offers a perspective on another popular southwestern state.

Affordable housing

Affordable housing in New Mexico is enough to make millennials perk up at the fate of owning a home. Keeping the dream alive in the Land of Enchantment, it remains one of the last states in the west where you can actually afford to buy. The median home price is currently around $304,147, a whopping 30% less than the national average of about $428K. Sure, prices have risen in recent years across the entire country, but in New Mexico, there’s still time to get in on home ownership. Here, the dream of owning a house is still very much a reality, unlike the way of the fax machine in America – almost obsolete.

Cons of Moving to New Mexico

Lack of jobs

The lack of jobs in New Mexico can be a trying time for those without a job lined up before moving. It’s clear that making this state your home requires consideration of its job market. Currently, New Mexico has the 13th highest unemployment rate in America, not exactly a job-friendly economy. Finding work can be tough here, as it’s ranked 3rd worst for job market in the country. Jobs do exist, but they’re heavily concentrated at the extreme ends of the scale – from entry-level in the service industry to specialized positions like a nuclear physicist or government jobs.

Many folks struggle in this environment, and some might disagree. We regularly update this post with comments that reflect the current environment. So, if you’ve had a different experience or have seen changes in the job landscape, your insights could be invaluable to those considering making New Mexico their new home. For those exploring options beyond New Mexico and interested in how different cities compare, the HONEST Pros & Cons of Living in Nashville article could provide valuable perspectives, especially for those considering the vibrant, music-rich environment of Nashville as their next potential home.

Low paying salaries, especially for the west coast

Low paying salaries, especially for the west coast

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While New Mexico offers many charms, low paying salaries, especially when compared to the west coast, can be a downside. Hooray for finding an employer and getting hired in your chosen position, but brace yourself: the salary might not be what you were expecting. New Mexico has some of the lowest wages in the western United States, ranking as the 12th lowest overall. This can be a shock, especially for those accustomed to higher incomes in other parts of the country. Even high-skill jobs like those of a rocket scientist or PhD holder in the renowned labs and contractors around Los Alamos might find themselves earning lower paying salaries than their counterparts elsewhere in the country. If you’re considering relocation and curious about how different states stack up, checking out the HONEST Pros & Cons of Living in New Jersey might offer some eye-opening insights into another state’s living conditions and economic landscape.

One of the worst economies

Living in New Mexico can be challenging due to its economic conditions. The state faces one of the worst economies in the US, ranked as the 6th worst. This ranking reflects not just the job situation, where finding stable employment can leave you feeling sweaty, but also the broader economic conditions. The business environment and job opportunities are largely based on natural resources and their extraction, such as oil and natural gas. Furthermore, tourism, another key economic driver, has been negatively impacted by the decline in global oil prices, leading to significant job losses and an economic downturn in several areas of the state.

However, there are efforts to diversify the economy and attract new industries. Sectors like renewable energy, technology, and film production are seen as the fruits waiting to ripen, potentially offering a brighter future. This shift, while promising, will take time to make a significant impact on the state’s overall economic landscape. For those exploring their options or considering a move, understanding the HONEST Pros & Cons of Living in Pennsylvania could provide a broader perspective on what different states offer in terms of economic opportunities and living conditions, especially if you’re curious about the potential for growth and diversity in industries across various regions.

The dreaded windy season

In New Mexico, the dreaded windy season is a time that many folks across the country might loathe. As the end of winter gives way to spring, with its beautiful blooms and bright green foliage, there’s a high level of eager anticipation for outdoor activities, warmer weather, and sunshine. This joy of living in New Mexico is coupled, however, with the loathsome and often dramatic winds. We’re not talking about a nice, easy breeze, but rather a steady, sometimes calming, exchange of air that can suddenly turn into holy hell. Imagine needing to hold your child tight, lest they be blown over by the sheer variety of wind.

The season starts in late February and each day is a gamble – is it safe to plan outdoor activities or not? This unpredictability lasts until July, with winds typically starting to pick up in the morning, gaining steam to around 20mph or higher by the afternoon, and thankfully, dropping by evening. If you’re lucky, it won’t escalate to a full gale force of 70mph, which is more of a fright than an annoyance. For some, these winds are the main reason to move out, but for others, it’s just a part of the unique character of living in this otherwise enchanting state.

The lack of basic nightlife

The lack of basic nightlife in New Mexico is something to preface in this section, especially for the night owl seeking a wild night on the town. If your idea of an eventful night includes a nice dinner, followed by a visit to a cozy bar for a cocktail, some pool, or shuffleboard, then you might find the essentials hard to come by. In places like Albuquerque or Santa Fe, some of the biggest cities in the state, the options are there, but they’re limited. This might not be a big deal for everyone, but it’s certainly one of the considerations if you’re moving to New Mexico and nightlife makes sense to you as a crucial part of your lifestyle.

The isolation is real

Isolation in New Mexico is a real experience, especially for those not used to it. As the 5th largest state in the country, with only about 17.2 residents per square mile, it stands as the 6th most sparsely populated in the US. Getting from one city or town to another can be quite an ordeal. For instance, a drive from Albuquerque to Santa Fe might take over an hour, and some journeys are even hours long hauls with little to nothing in between. When planning trips, even those that seem a mere thirty minutes away, the math for gas and time can be daunting. There’s literally nothing in some stretches, making the landscape both mesmerizing and isolating.

For those not used to such openness, it can be hard to relate, especially for east coasters accustomed to a gas station or town every few miles. The vast open space and big sky can be both liberating and daunting. In New Mexico, the sense of isolation isn’t just a feeling; it’s a tangible reality that defines much of the state’s unique character and lifestyle.

The drought is bad and getting worse

The drought in New Mexico is not only bad but it’s getting worse. Prior to the heavy winter rains of 2022/2023, the state had been experiencing some of its most severe conditions in years. While there was a slight reprieve last year, with about forty percent of the state still in severe drought and another 20% in extreme conditions, the situation has only worsened. This drought has also made the windy season worse, as the air moves faster without enough moisture to slow it down. Looking into the future, the expectations aren’t much better; in fact, conditions are expected to worsen significantly in the coming decade.

Education is not a priority

Education in New Mexico is often perceived as not a priority, posing a challenge for those with young children or planning a family in the near term. Doing your homework to find a good school in the school system here isn’t easy. The education system in New Mexico is ranked 50 out of 50 states in America, a statistic that places it at the bedrock – or rather, rock bottom. It’s as if the state’s educational framework needs drilling equipment to dig itself out of a deeper hole, being the 8th least educated state in the US, with low literacy levels.

Yet, there’s an odd opportunity here. In a land where the one-eyed man might rule in the land of the educationally blind, there’s a stark contrast. Some New Mexico cities, like Los Alamos – also known as the Atomic City – boast the highest concentration of PhD holders in the country, thanks to the government and high-tech, secretive work conducted there. This dichotomy reflects the diverse and complex nature of New Mexico’s approach to education.

Shockingly low literacy

Shockingly, New Mexico grapples with low literacy, a tragic con of living in one of the states in the US with the lowest literacy rate, ranking 50 out of 50. Let that sink in – only 70.9% of the population meets basic literacy standards. As someone writing this article, which we update regularly, I can’t help but notice the commonly, embarrassingly misspelled words on makeshift roadside signage, even in newspapers and on local TV stations. The DOT in Albuquerque often has misspelled signs too, making you wonder if spellcheck doesn’t work in the state. This sad reality is a glaring example of the failings of the education system in New Mexico.

High violent crime rates

In the category of high violent crime rates, New Mexico unfortunately shines as having the 2nd highest in the United States. This isn’t the kind of safe spot many would hope to call home. Factors like poverty, poor education, and little economic opportunity often lead to desperate times, and in turn, desperate people may act out of desperation. Although the state has launched various initiatives in recent years to combat these alarming levels of crime, there’s still a long way to go before significant improvements can be seen.

The terribly dry climate

The terribly dry climate in New Mexico can leave you wondering if you’re experiencing Déjà vu, especially if you hate the dryness as much as you love it. Personally, I find myself in a constant battle – skin and lips so dry, I hate how much moisturizer and lip balm I go through, gallons of it sold to cope with the climate. For me, lip balm has become life-changing and non-negotiable while living in New Mexico. There are moments when I envy my cousins on the east coast for their beautiful skin, but those thoughts are fleeting as soon as I remember the miserable humidity they endure year-round.

Low life expectancy

Low life expectancy is a serious concern, rounding out the cons of living in New Mexico. It’s arguably the greatest downer, an actual matter of life and death. The state has the 9th lowest life expectancy in the US, with an average of only 74.5 years. When you compare this to Hawaii, where folks live on average more years, reaching 80.7 years, the contrast is stark. This issue often goes hand in hand with the lack of education and high poverty rates prevalent in the state.

New Mexico Is Rich In Culture & History

New Mexico is incredibly rich in culture and history, offering an immersive experience into the past. At places like Bandelier National Monument, you can witness evidence of human habitation dating back 11,000 years ago. The Petroglyphs and cliff dwellings offer a glimpse into the lives of the first residents. This welcoming culture is a unique blend of multiple influences from Native American, Mexican, and Spanish cultures, all of which are a vibrant part of this thriving community.

The New Mexico Is Laid Back

New Mexico is famously laid back, a place where sharp elbows are rarely needed. The pace of life here is slow and easy, making it simple to make friends. People are open and easy-going, which reflects in the residents who come from a mix of cultures, creating a welcoming environment throughout the state.

New Mexico’s Landscape Is Picturesque

New Mexico’s landscape is picturesque, a tapestry of stark beauty that has long been a source of artistic inspiration for many artists living here. It’s like walking through the signs left by giants of the art world who have spent time in this mesmerizing state. A famous example is Georgia O’Keefe, whose works vividly capture the amazing landscapes of New Mexico. The state’s unique and breathtaking scenery continues to inspire creativity in everyone who experiences it.

Adobe Is Used Everywhere

In New Mexico, Adobe is used everywhere, and you’ll quickly become a fan of this sun-dried brick if you’re living here or just getting used to the area. Buildings, both old and new, are made from this material in various shades, showcasing its versatility as an ancient building material. It’s well suited to the dry climate, creating a beautiful view in almost every corner of the state. Spending time in New Mexico, one can’t help but admire the ubiquitous and timeless charm of adobe structures.

Cost of Living Is Reasonable

The cost of living in New Mexico is quite reasonable compared to many other states. It ranks in the top half for being affordable, especially when considering the lowest average taxes paid by a household. This doesn’t mean that everything is overpriced; rather, it allows for an experience where one can enjoy the great things the state has to offer without a hefty price tag list.

Hot Air Ballooning Is Very Popular

Hot Air Ballooning is incredibly popular in New Mexico, particularly as it plays host to the world-renowned Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta. This multi-day event is not just a competition but a spectacle, complete with Balloon Cam, special performances, and much more. Fleets of colorful balloons filling the sky create a sight that shouldn’t be missed. Whether you enjoy a ride or admire them from the ground, these balloons add a magical touch to the picturesque landscapes of New Mexico’s sky throughout the year.

Celebrations Are Always Happening

In New Mexico, celebrations are always happening, transforming the state into a perpetual fiesta. From the majestic sight of hot air balloons to unique celebrations like alien festivals, crane festivals, and wine festivals, there’s always something being celebrated. It feels like home for those who love being part of large groups and enjoying the communal spirit of a tribe. Whether it’s the skies adorned with balloons or the streets filled with thematic festivities, New Mexico ensures there’s never a dull moment.

Home prices are affordable in New Mexico

Home prices in New Mexico are notably affordable, making it an attractive option for those looking to buy. The median home value here is around $246,000, placing it as a solid option for those aiming to get on the property ladder. Moreover, property taxes in New Mexico are among the lowest in the country, further enhancing the appeal of homeownership in this state.

New Mexico Is Home to a World-Class Star-Gazing Experience

New Mexico offers a world-class star-gazing experience thanks to its clean air and clear skies. As a destination for star-gazing, its protected lands are far from the light pollution of more densely populated states. Notable spots like the Chaco Culture National Historical Park in the northwest corner and Clayton Lake State Park in the northeast have been designated International Dark Sky Parks. These places are not just good; they provide some of the best star-gazing experiences in the country.

New Mexico Has Very Clean Air

New Mexico is known for its very clean air, making it an environmentally-friendly and healthier place to live. Even its largest cities boast a low amount of pollution, constantly ranked nationwide for having low air pollution. This factor alone makes New Mexico a great location for those seeking a clean and healthy environment.

Albuquerque Provides Big-City Amenities

Albuquerque, with a population of over 550,000, is where big-city amenities flourish in New Mexico. It’s a hub of museums, cultural centers, historic districts, and theaters. For those moving to New Mexico but not quite committing to small-town life, Albuquerque stands as a good choice, offering the conveniences and vibrancy of a larger city while retaining a unique Southwestern charm.

Keep An Emergency Kit In Your Car

In New Mexico, it’s wise to keep an emergency kit in your car. Given the long, empty stretches of road between towns and often extreme temperature variations, being unprepared when your car breaks down could be more than just an inconvenience. It’s a good idea to ensure your vehicle is equipped with water, blankets, and other essentials, just in case you find yourself in a pinch on one of the state’s remote highways.

There Is a Lot of Sunshine

New Mexico basks in a lot of sunshine, with roughly 325 days per year of sunny skies. The state’s capital, Santa Fe, enjoys about 280 sunny days, and Albuquerque isn’t far behind. This is well above the average for the U.S., which sits around 205 sunny days. For any city in New Mexico, you’re far ahead of many other places when it comes to soaking up the sun. For those who love sunny weather and don’t mind a shortage of rain, New Mexico is arguably the best spot to be.

Cuisine Is Distinctive & Delicious

The cuisine in New Mexico is both distinctive and delicious, deeply intertwined with the culture and history of the state. It offers a unique variety that sets it apart from other states and truly provides a treat for the tastebuds, especially if you’re a fan of spicy food. New Mexico is home to some of the best green chiles in the world, making its local dishes a must-try culinary experience.

Bottom Line

The bottom line is that with a population of around 2 million, New Mexico is not huge, but it offers an expanse of wide-open space ideal for hiking, star-gazing, and embracing a laid-back lifestyle. Its desert climate and relatively affordable cost of living make it an attractive place to live. If you’re guessing whether you’d love this diverse state, the answer likely hinges on your appreciation for its unique landscapes and cultural richness.

Next Steps

As you prepare for your Next Steps to move to New Mexico, it’s crucial to understand how this change will impact your life. Adjusting your budget is important, but there’s more to consider. Engaging with a financial advisor can provide essential guidance as you navigate these big life changes. SmartAsset, a free tool, helps by matching you with up to three experienced advisors in your new area. This allows you to interview each advisor at no cost and decide on the one best suited to help you achieve your financial goals.

Taking this step is vital, especially if you’re planning on buying a home in New Mexico. Understanding the state’s mortgage rates and how they compare to national averages is key. Utilizing a comparison tool can provide the insights you need for a solid financial foundation in your new home. From personal experience, having a knowledgeable advisor made a significant difference in smoothly transitioning to a new state, both financially and culturally.


Are people in New Mexico friendly?

In New Mexico, the warm and friendly nature of the people is as diverse as the landscape itself. This state boasts a culture rich in hospitality and inclusivity, making it a welcoming place for newcomers. The local communities in New Mexico are known for their openness and a strong sense of togetherness, which is a significant part of the state’s reputation. From personal experience, the warmth you feel from the residents here adds a unique dimension to the living experience, setting it apart from many other places.

What is New Mexico ranked in quality of life?

In discussing the HONEST Pros & Cons of Living in New Mexico, a critical aspect to consider is the quality of life. A study by WalletHub evaluated 51 factors encompassing economy, health, education, affordability, and safety to determine where each state stands. New Mexico, intriguingly, presents a complex picture. Overall, the state ranked towards the bottom, placing last in some areas. However, not all is grim; in the economy subcategory, New Mexico achieved its best rating, landing at 25th. Moreover, it stood at 31st in quality of life, reflecting its unique blend of challenges and strengths. This dual nature is something to ponder upon when considering New Mexico as a place to call home.

Why do people move to New Mexico?

In the context of HONEST Pros & Cons of Living in New Mexico, one might wonder, Why do people move to New Mexico? The answer lies in the unique allure of the state. New Mexico attracts new residents from across the country with its beautiful landscape and an impressive average of 310 days of sun each year. It’s not just the weather that draws people; the state is steeped in a rich history and offers plentiful outdoor recreational activities. Residents often cite the great quality of life as one of the key reasons for choosing to move here. Whether it’s the vibrant cultural scene of Albuquerque or the serene natural beauty, New Mexico presents a compelling case for those seeking a blend of tranquility and rich cultural experiences

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