Honest Pros & Cons Of Living In Ohio (+ Advice From Locals)

Syed Mugees

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Living In Ohio

Ohio, affectionately known as the Buckeye State, offers a unique living experience that I’ve come to appreciate over my 10 years of residency. The state, with its nearly 12 million residents, stands as the 7th most populated in the US. It’s also the birthplace of 7 Presidents, a testament to its rich historical heritage. Known for its enthusiastic sports fans, great beer scene, and friendly locals, Ohio presents a mixed bag of what to love and not love about calling Ohio home.

From my firsthand experience, I’ve navigated the honest pros and cons of life here. For anyone considering moving, it’s essential to weigh these aspects carefully. The state’s vibrant culture and community spirit are undeniable. However, it’s not without its challenges, and as someone who’s lived here for a decade, I understand the nuances well. If you have any questions or need help deciding if Ohio is the right fit for you, feel free to reach out. My journey here might just offer the insights you need.

Largest Cities in Ohio


  • Population: 906,000
  • Average salary: $69,400
  • Median home price: $253,000


  • Population: 368,000
  • Average salary: $62,000
  • Median home price: $112,000


  • Population: 309,000
  • Average salary: $74,000
  • Median home price: $230,000

Pros of Living in Ohio

Affordable housing market

One of the most compelling reasons to consider moving to Ohio is its affordable housing market, a boon especially for newcomers. As of 2024, Ohio ranks as the 7th cheapest state for buying a home in the US, making the dream of home ownership more attainable here than in many other places. In Cincinnati, for instance, with an average salary of around $74,000, the median home price is an approachable $230,000. This income-to-house-price ratio is one of the best in America, emphasizing how housing here is exceptionally affordable.

Affordable housing market


Moreover, the economical nature of Ohio’s housing market isn’t confined to just purchasing. Renting in major cities like Columbus, Cincinnati, and Cleveland is quite reasonable, with average rents of $1,184, $1,259, and $1,316 respectively. Even smaller towns like Kettering, where rent is as low as $992, offer great opportunities for those looking to put down their roots without breaking the bank. The state’s median home price, standing at $179,700, is well below the national average, further cementing Ohio as a financially viable option for many.

The overall low cost of living in Ohio

In Ohio, the overall low cost of living is a standout feature that I’ve experienced firsthand. The low housing prices allow residents to live comfortably, with everyday expenses like groceries, haircuts, and eating out consistently falling below the national average. This affordability extends to transportation as well, making Ohio notably cheaper than many other US cities. The practicality of living here has positively impacted my “eating and playing” budget, allowing me to frequently eat out and enjoy a better quality of life on the weekends.

The overall low cost of living in Ohio


Ohio’s greatest strength, in my view, is its ability to make weekends enjoyable without breaking the bank. Whether it’s visiting breweries with friends, catching a performance or a movie, or indulging in outdoor recreation, it’s all more accessible here. After grinding at the office for 60+ hours a week, I look forward to Sunday evenings when I can cycle through the city’s vibrant scenes. Even in Ohio’s largest cities like Cincinnati, Columbus, and Cleveland, the cost of living remains affordable compared to other Midwestern cities like Chicago, where finding an apartment for under $1,500 can be a challenge.

Outdoor recreation

Outdoor recreation

Outdoor recreation is undoubtedly one of the major perks of living in Ohio. The state offers daily access to a range of activities like hiking, mountain biking, swimming, and fishing, perfectly catering to an active lifestyle. I’ve spent countless weekends exploring places like Mohican State Park, Nelson Ledges Quarry Park, and Hocking Hills State Park, each offering a unique way to play outside. These areas are natural wonders where I often meet with friends. We sometimes joke about how we don’t have real mountains or breathtaking shorelines that mimic the vastness of the sea, but the beauty in each detail of Ohio’s landscape always leaves us in awe.

There’s three large cities to explore

In Ohio, one of the highlights of moving here is the chance to explore the three large cities, fondly referred to as the “Big C’s”: Columbus, Cleveland, and Cincinnati. Each city provides access to a unique culture and vibe, much like the distinct metro areas you’d find in states like Washington, New York, Georgia, California, Texas, and Arizona. From the rich food scenes to vibrant nightlife, awe-inspiring architecture, and world-class performances and concerts, these cities will keep even those with an insatiable appetite for exploration thoroughly engaged.

Whether you’re planning a weekend trip to Washington D.C., New York City, or Boston, or prefer the quieter life in metropolitan areas, suburbs, or a rural community, the Buckeye State has it all. The beauty lies in the fact that a quick drive from any spot in the state can land you in a big city where a plethora of activities, amenities, and entertainment options are just minutes away. This diverse range of living environments is similar to what one might find when considering the Honest Pros & Cons of Living in New Mexico, another region offering a unique blend of urban and rural lifestyles.

Top-notch sports culture

Top-notch sports culture


Ohio’s top-notch sports culture is both a pro and a con of living here, depending on how you view it. For the enthusiastic sports fan, this culture is a major draw. The passion for sports binds the state together, with various teams to cheer for, creating a sense of unity. Whether you’re moving here or just visiting, you’ll quickly notice that this isn’t just a hobby; it’s a lifestyle. However, for those who find sports obnoxious, it can be overwhelming. In Ohio, sports are more than just games; they are a beloved and integral part of the community, offering a quick refresh from the daily grind and a chance to connect with fellow Ohioans.

  • Professional Sports Teams of Ohio
  • Baseball: Cincinnati Reds & Cleveland Guardians
  • Football: Cincinnati Bengals & Cleveland Browns
  • Basketball: Cleveland Cavaliers
  • Hockey: Columbus Blue Jackets
  • Rugby: Cleveland Rugby League

Great craft brew scene

Ohio’s great craft brew scene is a paradise for any millennial or craft beer enthusiast. With over 366 breweries to visit, you could try a new brewery every day of the year and still have more to explore. It’s about supporting local brewers, and Ohio is proud to be ranked as the 15th best state for craft beer. While I’m sometimes hesitant to share my favorites for fear of long lines, a shout-out is due to my go-to spots: Jackie O’s for their robust flavors, Urban Artifact for their unique sours, and the ever-impressive Columbus Brewing Company.

Midwest friendliness

The Midwest friendliness you’ll encounter after moving to Ohio is remarkable. Locals here have a knack for helping you make friends with relative ease, regardless of your age or background. Unlike in places where people might seem more closed off, Ohioans live up to their reputation of being welcoming and warm. It’s not uncommon to be invited to parties and events just days after moving in. Here, you can strike up a conversation with someone you’ve just met as if you’ve been living as neighbors for a long time. You might be startled the first time someone approaches you with a friendly question in the grocery store, especially if you’re used to the brisk pace of cities like NYC. Similarly, understanding the Honest Pros & Cons Of Living In Arizona can provide insights into a different, yet equally engaging community atmosphere, highlighting how each state has its unique charm and character.

We’re America’s “test market”

Columbus, Ohio, as America’s “Test Market“, is a truly fascinating aspect of living in this state. I remember an interview on NPR discussing how this city has become the go-to test city for marketing new products. This is an exciting perk for residents who enjoy early access to items that might not hit the mainstream for the next few years. The range of products tested here runs the gamut from food to toys, appliances, and electronics. Companies choose Columbus due to its representation of the US population, making it an ideal place to try new things. Living here means getting a sneak peek at what the rest of the country might find cool soon.

Cons of Moving to Ohio

The state’s reputation is a hurdle

Ohio’s state’s reputation as a boring US state is an honest con and a significant hurdle for those considering living here. As a joke among locals, we often take pride in being the Black Sheep of the Midwest, but it can be strange to explain to newcomers. It takes time for them to warm up to the state’s enthusiasm and experience what we share unapologetically. Once you visit and live here, you quickly get over the hurdle of the mediocre reputation and discover the state’s unique charm and vibrancy.

People seem to get stuck in Ohio

It’s often said that people get stuck in Ohio, where many folks are born and raised and continue their daily life without much change. This abnormally high rate of population that never leaves can be felt in conversations about politics, international travel, or different cultures. It’s estimated that a lower percentage of residents have passports compared to other states, reflecting a lack of excitement for adventure beyond state lines. This apparent disadvantage makes some believe that things stay the same from one generation to the next, leading to a static cultural environment.

Moving to Ohio? Learn about the rust belt

If you’re moving to Ohio, it’s crucial to understand its role in the Rust Belt. This term is often mentioned when discussing certain US states and their towns that witnessed a decline post the manufacturing era. Ohio saw many factories closing, leading to jobs and homes being lost. This slow decay affected various cities and towns, once populous and thriving. While driving through metro areas, the signs of a once-booming era now stagnant and unable to attract tourism or retain population are evident. However, an exception to this trend is Columbus, where the economy is diversifying into sectors like tech, finance, and education, showing a more dynamic job market. Understanding this backdrop is crucial for anyone considering living in Ohio, as it shapes much of the state’s current character.

Have a job lined up before moving to Ohio

A hard truth about Ohio is its job market situation. It currently ranks 41st in job prospects, making it essential to have a job lined up before moving here. Without this precaution, newcomers might face a rude awakening. Adding insult to injury, Ohio’s unemployment rate stands at 4.2%, one of the highest in the country and above the national average of 3.7%. This underscores the importance of securing employment in advance to avoid the pitfalls of a challenging job landscape. In contrast, those considering a move to a different locale might be curious about the Honest Pros & Cons Of Living In New Orleans, which offers a unique employment landscape and lifestyle, presenting an interesting comparison to Ohio’s job market and living conditions.

Racism is glaringly obvious

Racism, unfortunately, remains a glaringly obvious issue in Ohio. It’s a state where change seems slow, and old attitudes persist, particularly among older residents. This problem often goes hand-in-hand with the lack of diversity, as Ohio is still one of the top 10 least diverse states, as found in a 2024 Google study. Candid deliveries of racist jokes and remarks are not uncommon, striking those who have moved from more diverse, large cities. While the narrative and conversations around race have changed for the better since I started living here, there’s still a long way to go. It’s crucial for anyone moving to Ohio to be informed and prepared for this aspect of social life.

Lack of scenery

When discussing the variety of scenery after living in Ohio, I did a double-take when a colleague, fresh from the Pacific Northwest, sparked a lively discussion that ensued. It was one of the hardest aspects of moving and adjusting to life in the Buckeye State. The perceived lack of natural beauty was almost like fighting words in certain circles. In this department, Ohio might indeed be doing itself a disservice.

Sure, we have Lake Erie, the 11th largest fresh-water lake in the world, offering some access to the beauty of coastal beaches. But when it comes to epic mountains and rolling hills, Ohio can leave something to be desired. Many locals would agree that this is a con of living in the Buckeye State. This statement isn’t just about aesthetics, though. The air pollution is a growing concern. With poor air quality and high pollution rates, a 2024 study ranked it among the worst in the country, ranking 7th.

Humid summers + winter snowstorms

Humid summers + winter snowstorms


In Ohio, the pros and cons of living here become quite obvious when you wrap your head around our weather patterns. Let’s list them out: the summers can be unbearable, feeling like a sauna, while the winters truly suck, brimming with frigid, gray skies and rainy days. Moving to Ohio means you have only a few months of good weather each year. You’re constantly bracing for either humid summers or winter storms. It’s a real toss-up; either you’re battling the smothering heat or dangerous winter driving conditions. Imagine living in a state where the US extremes of weather are your daily reality. For those considering a move to a state with a markedly different climate, the Honest Pros & Cons of Living In Wyoming might offer intriguing insights, highlighting how geographical location can significantly influence lifestyle choices and daily living.

Is moving to Ohio right for you? We’re here to help you figure that out.

Considering moving to Ohio but have concerns? Our blog is here to offer insights and answers to your questions. It’s an adventure, reading and learning about new states, and Ohio is no exception. Regardless of your reasons, we’re excited to share and explore this incredible state with you. From an introduction to life in Ohio to specifics about Bellhop, Cincinnati movers, Cleveland movers, Columbus movers, and Hamilton movers, we cover it all. And for those considering a bigger leap, our Long Distance Columbus Movers are ready to assist.

A Brief Overview of Ohio

Considering moving to Ohio and grappling with concerns? Our blog aims to offer a comprehensive introduction to this unique state. Whether you’re reading to quench your curiosity or learning about new states to make a move, we’re here to answer your questions. Ohio is an adventure waiting to be explored, regardless of where you currently call home. From the bustling streets of Cincinnati to the serene landscapes of Hamilton, we share the incredible diversity Ohio offers. We also provide insights into services like Bellhop, Cincinnati movers, Cleveland movers, Columbus movers, and Hamilton movers. For those contemplating a major relocation, our Long Distance Columbus Movers are at your service, making your journey across the country as seamless as possible.

What are the pros and cons of moving to Ohio?

When considering the pros and cons of moving to Ohio, it’s essential to weigh the good against the bad. The state has its great aspects as well as the not so great. In the Buckeye State, determining whether the good outweighs the bad involves a deep dive into what you value most in a place. From vibrant city life to tranquil countryside, Ohio offers a diverse tapestry of experiences. However, it’s not without its challenges, such as fluctuating weather and economic disparities in different regions. So, before making a decision, it’s crucial to consider if the good stuff at the end of the day overshadows the bad news that might come along.

Drawbacks of Moving to Ohio

Moving to Ohio has its drawbacks, as highlighted in a report by The Thrillist which ranked it as the third worst state in the United States, trailing behind Florida at position number one and Delaware in the number two spot. For Ohioans, this might feel like rubbing salt in a wound, especially considering their arch-nemesis, Michigan, was touted as one of the best states. The reasoning? Well, even with LeBron having cemented his legacy here, Ohio is often jokingly referred to as the ‘Florida of the North’. It’s not perfect but has its great things too. The winter can feel as unrelenting as an ex-lover, and while our sport’s teams have had a history of being bad, there’s always room for a comeback. Remember the 2024 Cavaliers winning the NBA championship? And with Baker Mayfield as QB for the Browns, there’s always a glimmer of hope. For those intrigued by life in other unique cities, the Honest Pros & Cons of Living In Las Vegas might offer a fascinating comparison, providing insights into a lifestyle vastly different from Ohio’s.

Not the most diverse state

A notable downside to living in Ohio lies in its diversity, or rather the lack thereof. A recent report ranked it as the ninth-least diverse state in the country, considering various factors. While diversity is more prevalent in areas like Cuyahoga County, it’s a different story in many of the other 88 counties across the state of Ohio. This aspect might influence your decision if diversity is a key consideration for you.

High crime rates in some spots

High crime rates in some spots

In Ohio, crime is a reality, with a crime rate of 24.5 per 1,000 residents in certain cities, scoring a not-so-great mark in the crime arena. For instance, Cleveland presents diverse opportunities but also ranks higher in crime. Across the nation, there are safer places, but being a violent crime victim is still a chance you take anywhere. If your job or life plans involve a move to Ohio, researching for a safe, nice neighborhood is crucial. Areas like Kamm’s Corners North, River Edge, and Jefferson in Buckeye Shaker Square East are some options to consider for safer living.

Public transportation can be hard to find

Public transportation can be hard to find


In Ohio, a massive state with several cities, getting from home to work or exploring places like Cincinnati can be challenging if you rely on the public transportation system. This is especially true for a family with only one vehicle. While big cities offer various transportation options like buses, taxis, Cincinnati Metro Bus, ride-sharing, Bikeshare, Cincinnati Bell Connector, and Zipcars, in the smaller parts of the state, having a car is almost a necessity. Even in downtown areas of major cities, the proximity of amenities can necessitate personal transportation.

Benefits of Moving to Ohio

Among the many pros of moving to Ohio are its impressive aspects. The state boasts stellar cities like Cincinnati, Cleveland, and Columbus, where the cost of living is more affordable compared to other larger cities. But it’s the little gems scattered across the state that truly define its charm. Take, for instance, the island of total awesomeness, Put-in-Bay on Lake Erie, which attracts thousands to visit, explore on golf carts, and enjoy great food and drink. Then there’s Cedar Point, the roller coaster capital of the world, holding the world record with 71 rides, including 17 roller coasters that are sure to scare the living daylights out of you!

Ohio schools and universities

Ohio schools and universities


In Ohio, which boasts the seventh-biggest school system nationwide, the quality of public schools varies significantly. While some students excel with over 50% achieving math proficiency and about 57% in reading proficiency, these figures hover around the national average. The high-school graduation rate stands at an impressive 85%, with schools like Granville High School seeing 99% of its students graduate. When it comes to higher education, Ohio is home to esteemed universities like Ohio State University, Case Western Reserve University, and the University of Dayton, offering competitive in-state tuition rates. Those considering relocation and curious about the educational landscape in other vibrant cities might find the Honest Pros & Cons of Living In Nashville informative, providing a perspective on another city’s approach to education and community life.

The job market and the economy: what does the money look like in Ohio?

In Ohio, a stunning state both aesthetically and in terms of fun, it’s equally important to be realistic about its economically vital aspects like the job market, economy, and the overall money situation. While the cost of living is generally favorable, these questions need a closer look to truly understand and explore the economic landscape of the Buckeye State.

An economy that’s in the midst of a revolution.

Ohio’s economy is currently experiencing a revolution, transitioning from traditional manufacturing careers to a hub for young creatives, entrepreneurs, and tech-savvy college grads. This shift has made Ohio, particularly Columbus – the state capital and its largest city – a burgeoning center of culture and creativity, rivaling the likes of New York City and Los Angeles. Columbus College of Art & Design fosters a creative mindset, nurturing talents like fashion designers, painters, makers, and artists.

An economy that’s in the midst of a revolution.

The presence of massive brands like Kroger, Macy’s, P&G, Goodyear, Cintas, Sherwin-Williams, Nationwide, and Speedway, many being Fortune 500 companies, is reshaping the business landscape. The unemployment rate in Ohio sits below the national average, signaling a healthy environment for securing employment across major industries. For those considering a move, it’s advisable to attend interviews and have a nest egg prepared to ensure a smooth transition into Ohio’s dynamic workforce.

What are the best places to live in Ohio?

If you’re sold on moving to Ohio and wondering where to settle, let me recommend you take a jump into our article on the best places to live. Our moving guides delve into cities like Cincinnati, Cleveland, and Columbus, offering a wonderful, concise synopsis of each, highlighting their unique charms and opportunities.

Get your creative fix in Columbus.

Columbus is a hidden gem in the Midwest, not just a home to the Buckeyes with an undergrad population of over 66,000 students at the university, but also a hub of energetic youthfulness that rivals other Ohio cities. Its creative fix is on par with places like New York City and Los Angeles, especially for aspiring fashion designers. In terms of living costs, the average rent for an apartment sits at around $1,074, and with an average salary of about $51,000, making a life here is quite doable. For those exploring options beyond the Midwest and curious about the lifestyle in different regions, the Honest Pros and Cons of Living in Vancouver, Washington can provide valuable insights, showcasing the unique aspects of living in the Pacific Northwest compared to the Midwest.

For breathtaking landscape, Cincinnati is your place.

For a breathtaking landscape, Cincinnati, affectionately known as Cinci, is truly stunning. Nestled along the Mississippi River and surrounded by lovely hills, this city boasts a pleasant character. Home to sports teams like the Cincinnati Bengals and the Reds, it has a vibrant community with a population of around 300,000. In terms of living costs, the average rent for an apartment is about $1,132, and you can find a one-bedroom for approximately $900-ish.

For the very cheapest living, head to Cleveland.

Cleveland is renowned for offering the cheapest living options, making it a haven for young professionals and entrepreneurs. It’s even ranked among the top fifty entrepreneurial-friendly cities in the world. The rent here is astoundingly affordable, with an average of just $655 for a two-bedroom apartment, making it an ideal place to start your own business especially if you have a bit saved up.

This great city is not just about affordable living; it’s also known for its exceptional food. Thrillist recently celebrated its food scenes, which are constantly getting better. Time Magazine even named it the seventh best food city in the United States. From killer BBQ to fine dining, there’s a lot to savor here. And for the adventurous, there’s Ray’s Indoor MTB Park for some mountain biking fun. If all these features tempt you, Cleveland might just be the place to use those long-distance moving services and pull the trigger on a new life.

Wondering if you should move to Ohio? Just do it.

After what you’ve learned in this article, if you’re still wondering if you should move to Ohio, my advice is simple: Just do it. Far from being just a flyover state, Ohio is a home to stunning landscapes, rich history, and lovely cities. Its affordability is a significant draw compared to many other states.

Pros and cons of living in Ohio: Bottom line

Living in Ohio, often hailed as the Buckeye State, offers a unique blend of experiences for those who choose to live here. As someone who has spent considerable time in Ohio, I’ve come to deeply appreciate its diversity and charm. This great state is replete with a variety of attractions and activities. Whether it’s exploring the iconic Rock and Roll Hall of Fame or indulging in various outdoor activities, Ohio continually engages its residents.

However, relocating to Ohio also means you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons. On the plus side, many places in Ohio are notably affordable, making it an attractive option for many. But, one cannot overlook the drawbacks. The winters can be cold and harsh, while the summers swing to the other extreme, being scorching and humid. This stark contrast in weather can be a significant factor when moving to Ohio.

In conclusion, while Ohio offers an enriching lifestyle with its rich culture and affordable living, potential movers should be prepared for its challenging weather patterns.

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What should I know about Ohio before moving there?

Before moving to Ohio, it’s essential to appreciate the state’s unique environmental tapestry. Known for its four distinct seasons, Ohio offers a diverse range of outdoor regions. The mountainous southeast presents a rugged, natural beauty, contrasting with the serene lake beaches in the north. The state’s central flatlands provide a different scenic experience, with vast open spaces and agricultural landscapes. Ohio is also home to the largest Amish population in the country, where the Amish culture is not just a tourist attraction but a living part of the state’s heritage. This culture enriches Ohio with its traditions, food, and a picturesque countryside that all residents can enjoy. Whether it’s the changing seasons or the cultural richness, Ohio offers a dynamic and varied living experience.

Is it a good idea to move to Ohio?

Considering a move to Ohio often revolves around its financial attractiveness. Ranked as the #1 most affordable state in the U.S., Ohio stands out for those seeking a life that balances quality and affordability. This affordability means that the American Dream is well within financial reach for many. Whether you’re building a business or advancing a career, the combination of great salaries, lower taxes, and a better cost of living makes Ohio an appealing choice. This unique blend of economic benefits effectively opens the doors for both professionals and families, enabling them to thrive without the hefty price tag associated with many other states. In Ohio, your aspirations and financial goals can combine harmoniously, paving the way for a comfortable and prosperous lifestyle.

Are people in Ohio friendly?

When it comes to the friendliness of its people, Ohio particularly Columbus, the state’s largest city and one of the nation’s 25 largest, has received notable recognition. It was ranked second among the friendliest cities in the nation, a testament to the warm nature of its residents. This ranking was not arbitrary but came from a study compiled by Preply, indicating a significant trend in social behavior. Columbus particularly scored in the top 5 for the way its residents reacted to strangers – a clear indicator of the welcoming spirit prevalent throughout the state. Such actions, like holding a door open for others, may seem small but significantly contribute to the overall friendly atmosphere in Ohio, making it an inviting place for new residents.

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